主要成分: 藏红花、冬虫夏草、雪莲花、雪鹿鞭、藏牦牛睾丸、海马等
功能效果: 适应早泄、遗精、弱精、性功能障碍、性欲减弱、阴茎短小、腰膝酸痛、四肢无力、头晕耳鸣、自汗贼汗、夜尿频多、前列腺炎等肾虚引起的多种症状。
商品品牌: 香港天龙
商品规格: 2000mg x 6片 x 6盒
使用说明: 口服,临睡前限服一粒,用温开水送服(房事前10-30分钟内服用一粒可见奇效)
注意事项: 1、不可急于求成,超量服用。2、药后,如多次勃起或房事中久勃不泄者,饮凉开水解之。3、24小时内不得重复使用
launched in 2003 after successful tests.It is elaborately developed by professor Frese at the Biological Center of Los Angeles Heales Health Bureau,U.S.A with his eight years of intensive studies,Weili is currently the most popular men's health product in the mar ket and was applied ofr a patent in 2003.Compared with Viagra.it has the avantages of less adverse effects,quicker eff ecting and long duration of its protency etc.
Weili is able to activate the growth factor of adrenal PDA dilute and replenish semen,thus bringing multiple injections and multiple climax es;it can also gener ate and replenish semen quickly afterthe intercourse thus avoiding fatigueand damage to kidney resulted from lack of semen;itspotency lasts as long as 120hr |